Yes, I am a Feminist. I want to be loud enough and say, I am a man, and I am a feminist.
I am a feminist because I believe in equality.
I will continue being a feminist until and unless every woman and girl can enjoy their
body autonomy, can have respectful sexual and reproductive life, control of economic
and other resources, and can make their own decision and choices without men and the
society providing or granting them as privileged right just because of them carrying
‘defined woman/female body’.
I was not born feminist. I was oblivious about the world around me, until the time I
started to be aware of my surrounding. The society I grew up in made me a feminist.
I became a feminist when I wasn’t supposed to wear a pink dress. I was not told to do
household chores, while my sisters were taught to learn all household work before
completing their high school.
I became a feminist because despite of my mother’s unwillingness to conceive, she was
forced and threatened by my grandparents to have a baby boy.
I became a feminist because my school friend was humiliated and shamed just because
she had a red menstruation stain on her skirt.
I became a feminist when I was told that men are not supposed to cry or be emotionally
weak. Men were expected to be bold, brave leader that has emotional control unlike
I became a feminist when my female colleagues work and decision making was under
appreciated while the men employees were awarded and were heard most of the time.
I became a feminist when a waiter at a restaurant looked at me when my girlfriend paid
the bills. I always wanted my girl to be independent and she is. Everything she has
achieved is due to her own hard work and dedication, and not because my contribution.
These shades of gender inequalities limit women’s potential and abilities. Our society
needs to let the women and girls thrive on their body, and make own choices and
decisions for career and personal life.
I do not want this to happen to my friend, partner and daughter. I want every woman and
girl in the world to enjoy their body autonomy, sexual and reproductive health & rights.
I want every workplace to be respectful towards the women and enable them to work
with dignity and freedom.
Feminism is not a rule of the vagina; never and ever does it wants to be superior to you
but it’s about joining hands with each other together, in every social and economic
development, freedom and justice. It is all about every humans being able to enjoy their
fullest potentials of living, not being defined by the body or the society-defined gender
roles that they are carrying.
For me, feminism is not a philosophy, it is a value that every human must carry and a
norm that every society must be guided for meaningful engagement of every women till
the time they can have equal and respectful access to resources and opportunities.
I want every men, women and non-binary individuals to enjoy their freedom of life. Our
choices and decisions should be our own and nobody should be compelled to live a life
that is defined by the regressive society.
We should all be a feminist as a respect to the women in our lives.